Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Little Men


Brittany said...

Marci, they are so cute! I don't think I've seen pictures since they were babies! I know it's been a long time since I've seen you, but to me, they don't look like you. Am I wrong?

Maren said...

They are so incredibly handsome! when people have gorgeous kids your somewhat obligated to beautify the world... you at least need a girl, that looks like you - Marce. You are gorgeous!

Tuesdee said...

Hey guys,
First off, your boys are SOOOOO cute!! I can't believe how big they have grown since the last time we saw you.

Your house is GORGEOUS!!! Loved every picture.

We also have a blog and you are more then welcome to it any time. Send me an email and I will send you an invite!!

Can't wait to hear from you!!

Ben and Tuesdee

Ashley said...

Hey, your two sons are so cute!!! I have heard your mom talk about them before!!!

Hilarie said...

you're tagged. Look at my blog!

Cecilia said...

Bellissimi! Che figli bellissimi che avete. Il grande come mamma ed il piccolo come papa', mi sbaglio?
Tanti cari auguri.