Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy National Wacky Hat Day!!

So, a while ago it was National Wacky Hat Day. The boys thought that would be a great time for Mom to show how creative she is. Those who know me know that I am painfully un-crafty, but I was pretty proud of myself with Kade's rabbit hat and Ethan's crazy graduation hat. Obviously, I ran out of steam by the time it came to Lincoln, the poor little man got a plastic cup tied to his head and Ethan taped a sign on top of it which read "kiss me naw" (kiss me now). The boys wanted to parade all around town wearing their hats for about a week straight, until tragedy struck and Kade's was sat on and Ethan's eaten by the dog.


Codi said...

Yep I am impressed! Really I am. I think that you can craft, you just never wanted to before. The boys are adorable!

jocie said...

you are such a good mom. and kaden's grins kill me.

Brittany said...

You're a better blogger these days than, well, most people! I love it! And I need to catch up on my own...
How are you? I really do miss you! I feel like I hardly even know you anymore... :(