Monday, August 30, 2010

Funny boys

My boys, as all parents must say, are constantly making us laugh and smile. But, Kaden takes the cake. He is such a funny little man, who has a knack for putting his clothes on backwards and his shoes on the wrong feet, sunglasses upside down etc. He's not doing it to be funny, the man just happens to get things on backwards, you would think 50% of the time they would be on correctly but nope, it must be about 80% backward, and that is better than it was a few months ago. When he does it, he insists on keeping them that way, he says they look better, so, my 4 year old goes around town with his clothes on backwards and he likes it. Probably once a month I hear a loud crash and it is Kade running into a wall because he likes to walk around with his eyes closed or with a paper bag or pillow case on his head. He has an imaginary pet Hamster named "Scooby Ham" who is always talking to him, singing with him etc. He also once a day asks "Whoa, did you see that? I just won Indiana Jones Wii in my head!" or "Do you hear that? That song that is singing in my head?" About a month ago he looked at me with a big sigh and then said "Mom, I lost a life today. I was walking down the street and it jumped in the trash can." I guess he thinks he is like a cat and has a few lives to spare. He thinks that Jesus is made of marshmallows, because he is "really white and fluffy". The man lives in his own reality and it is a funny world. I adore my little boyfriend!

1 comment:

Codi said...

Kade is hilarious. I would say that he and Willa should marry, but I think that they would be quite a mess, the two of them together.