Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yikes! We found out that our #3 little person due in August is another boy. I am terrified. Actually, I would probably be more terrified at the thought of having a girl. Makeup, hair, hormones, yep I would definitely be more scared for a girl, but the chaos that another little man will bring is also pretty terrifying. I guess I just need to face it, being a parent is just scary to me. Should I get help for this issue??


Codi said...

I love that picture of the boys! So very cute! Maybe it is just the number 3 that sounds so terrifying. I really can't imagine trying to take care of 3 kids. I haven't figured out how to handle two yet!

jocie said...

i'm get scared at the thought of pregnancy, so the fact that you're staring down the barrel of 3 kids makes you incredibly brave. how did our parents do it? but seeing as you're kids are some of the cutest kids on the planet makes me so excited to see little baby ritto.

Brittany said...

I agree with the others... three is terrifying! It's weird, how much harder it is than two. One day, I hope to say it was all worth it! Congratulations!

Hilarie said...

Congratulations! You definitely know how to raise cute boys, so that's good right? I can't tell how you feel from your post, I'll have to call you. I hope you're feeling a little better now. ;)

Christi said...

Yeah for boys! They will love hanging out with us in about 8 years!! And that monke poop story is the funniest thing I've ever heard!! Love you guys!

Leah said...

congratulations!!! so much fun for you guys! You're boys are so handsome, I'm sure the next will be just the same!! Next time, send some of those boys our way :)

Weston and Becky said...

THREE!!! Nice!!! Becky would love to have all boys even though a little girl might be nice to mix it up. Congratulations!!! I hear the name "donut" is up for grabs :) Kind of has a nice ring to it, doesn't it, hahahaha. Congratulations!

Weston and Becky said...

I can only handle one, how can you be having three? I'm an old man, how do you expect me to keep up with you and Codi? I have a few good names for some boys, but I've promised not to divulge them in case our number two is a boy...I know how that sounds, but we are not pregnant, maybe this summer but definitely not right now.