Saturday, January 9, 2010


This is what our sweet little Linc looks like all the time. He is the easiest, smiliest little person on the planet. He loves going to movies with us, he'll just sit in his car seat or on my lap and watch quietly, and always with that perfect little smile on his face.

I know that we are doomed, since we have the world's easiest babies doesn't that mean we have to have trouble from these kids sometime? Maybe the teenage years?!?


Molly said...

It's so nice to finally see some pictures! He is such a cutie. You guys do have easy babies, so unfair! I'm sure they will always be perfect. I'm hoping this next one will be super easy and smily just like Linc... Not sure how we will fair with 4 kids around here!

Codi said...

He is so stinkin cute! I am glad to hear that he is such a happy and good little baby!

Hilarie said...

I think you are lucky and such a mellow mom that it rubs off on your kids. So keep that up. And Lincoln is so cute! I love his little smiles. Maddy still misses Kaden. I posted on FB that we're having a boy, by the way.

jocie said...

I love that little man so much. He is so handsome. A good mix of both sides of the family I think.